(a long random assortment of python bits and pieces)
#HOW TO Check python version IN BLENDER
#A few useful imports
#ex: Imports Blender Python – properties/operators etc.
#ex1: math.sqrt #ex2: sqrt
#ex1: Create random number
#checking if a file exists
#bpy.context # bpy.data
#Maya examples:
#maya.mel#import maya.OpenMayaUI # mel.eval
#Python Operators
#Fals e#True
#1&0 is 0 | 1&1 is 1 | 0 & 0 is 1 # 1or0 is 1 | 1or1 is 1 | 0 or 0 is 0
#complement of (-x)-1 exclusive or = if identical = 0 otherwise 1
#bits shifted to the right by y bits shifted to the left by y
#Boolean Operators
#if one or both are true #if both are true #True id x is False
#Important Sequence Operators
#True if x is in y #True if x is not in y
#Concatenation of x and y #i’th in s (origin = 0)
#Slice of s from x to z # slice of s from x to z with step y
#slice first x of s #Length of s #Smallest item in s
#Index of first occurrence x #count the number of x’s
#equivalent to adding s to itself n times
#Comparison Operators
#identify (if it is) if s is n: #negate (if it’s not) if s is not n:
#less than if s < n: #less or equal if s <= n: #greater than if s > n:
#greater or equal if s >= n: #equal if s == n: #not equal if s != n:
#convert to integer #convert to floating point
#complex number re, real part re, im, imaginary part im. im default = 0
#method return complex conjugate() #absolute value or magnitude
#Tuple Pair - (x//y, x%y)
# x to the y power
#Basic Operators
# sum of x+y # difference of x&y # product of x&y # quotient of x&y
# floored quotient of x&y # remainder of x&y # negated # unchanged
#Copy selected objects to variable
#Select a object Vert via a variable number
#Maya examples:
#Selected verts to variable
#Parent one object to another – y’s parent = x
#Maya examples:
#Get child of selected object
#Get parent of selected object
#Select an object(s) by name
#Select an objects parent with one line
#Select an objects child with one line
#Select an objects parent – alternative
#set attribute for selected object
#option -setattr
#Loops – Examples
#for loop - enumerate - use length(num of objects)
#while loop
#Maya Loop example:
#rename loop with frefix and suffix
#Copy attributes from one object to another
#Maya Examples:
#setAttr of selected object
#Set Attr using xform
#Set Attr using loop
#Copy channel box Attributes from 1(selected obj[0]) to another(selected obj[1])
#Create a locator at the location of a vert (WIP)
#Maya Examples:
#place locator on selected vertex(s)
#position to vertex - select Vert(Mov to) then Obj/Vert(Move from)
#Find position of selected vertex
#LAMBDA - anonymous functions not bound to a name
#times by
#incrementor with lambda
#defin int values - filter(), map() + reduce()
#prime numbers with lambda
#lambda – replace – nj with is
#split words using lambda - find num of letters in each
#1 - loop from 0 to 20 -with 1/4 step *
#Maya Example:
#Maya Python UI button example
#lock transform attributes of selected
#unlock transform attributes of selected
#lock or unlock attributes
#Maya Examples:
#set rotation of selected using xform
#set translation of selected using xform
#Copy attributes(ex:location), from one object to another
#Maya Examples:
#change the rotate order but preserve the overall transformation
#display normals
#increase normal size by 10
#decrease normal size by 10
#query viewport renderer (run whist viewport focused)
#turn on/off display xray and wireframe in viewport in focus (run whist viewport focused)
#query without being in panel focus (from script editor)
#Get panel with focus
#change time to frame to *55
#Change time slider min max frame
#Change time slider start/end frame
#get list of keyframes on current selected object (exaple rotateX) attribute
#Check python version
import sys
print (sys.version_info.major)
#A few useful imports
import bpy #ex: Imports Blender Python – properties/operators etc.
from functools import reduce
import math #ex1: math.sqrt
from math import * #ex2: sqrt
nj = (math.sin(math.radians(66))); print(nj * 55); #ex1
nj = (sin(radians(66))); print(nj * 55); #ex2
import random#ex1: Create random number – random.randint
from random import randint #ex2: Create random number - randint
min=22; max=300;rnd = random.randint(min,max);print(rnd); #ex1:
min=22; max=300;rnd = randint(min,max);print(rnd); #ex2:
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path #ex: For checking if a file exists
filePath = Path("C:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\Sample Pictures\\Desert.jpg");
if filePath.is_file():print((str(filePath)) + " exists as a file");
#A few useful shortcuts
C = bpy.context #ex: assign context to C
#See: docs.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_73_release/bpy.context.html
D = bpy.data #ex: assign data to D
#See: docs.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_73_release/bpy.data.html
#Maya examples:
import maya.mel as mel
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.OpenMayaUI as OpenMayaUI
Source & Execute mel in python:
mel.eval('source "/MyDocument/username/maya/scripts/mymelscript.mel"')
#Python Operators
x = 10 y = 12
print(x>y) #False
print(x<y) #True
print(x!=y) #True
x = 10 y = 4
print (x&y) # = 0 - & = 1&0 is 0 | 1&1 is 1 | 0 & 0 is 1
print(x|y) # = 14 - or = 1or0 is 1 | 1or1 is 1 | 0 or 0 is 0
print(~x) # = -11 - complement of (-x)-1
print(x^y) # = 14 - exclusive or = if identical = 0 otherwise 1
print(x>>2) # = 2 - bits shifted to the right by y
print(x<<2) # = 40 - bits shifted to the left by y
#Binary example:
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 = 5(4+1)
x = 12 | print("{0:b}".format( 12)) | (~x) = -13 | (-x)-1 | 1100 to -1101
x = -12 | print("{0:b}".format(-12)) | (~x) = 11 | (-x)- 1 | -1100 to 1011
x = 27 y = 49
print("{0:b}".format(27)) # = 1011
print("{0:b}".format(49)) # = 110001
print("{0:b}".format(x^y)) # = 101010
print("{0:b}".format(38)) # = 100110
print("{0:b}".format(39)) # = 100111
print("{0:b}".format(x&y)) # = 100110
print("{0:b}".format(27)) # = 11011
print("{0:b}".format(49)) # = 110001
print("{0:b}".format(x&y)) # = 10001
print("{0:b}".format(27)) # = 11011
print("{0:b}".format(49)) # = 110001
print("{0:b}".format(x|y)) # = 111011
x = 10
print("{0:b}".format(10)) # = 001010 <<
print(x<<2) # = 40
print("{0:b}".format(40)) # = <<101000 span="">101000>
print("{0:b}".format(10)) # = >>1010
print(x>>2) # = 2
print("{0:b}".format(2)) # = 0010>>
#Boolean Opperators
x=27 y=34
x or y #if one or both are true
if x > 55 or x < 33:
x and y #if both are true
if x > 3 and x < 33:
x =False
not x #True id x is False
if(not x):
#Important Sequence Opperators
s="bob" x="bo" y = s, x
x in s #True if x is in y
if x in s:
x not in s #True if x is not in y
if x not in s:
s + x #Concatenation of x and y
print(s + " has " + x)
s[i] #i’th in s (origin = 0)
print(y[0] + " has " + y[1])
s = "Bobs BO is so bad that it caused an evacuation. Isn't that something"
s[x:z] #Slice of s from x to z
print(s[0:7] + s[47:59] + s[13:18]) # = Bobs Bo Isn’t that Bad
s[x:y:z] # slice of s from x to z with step y
print(s[0:23:5]) # = BB aa
s[:x] #slice first x of s
print([:x]) # = Bobs Bo
len(s) #Length of s
print(len(s)) # = 68
s = "50", "40"
min(s) #Smallest item in s
print(min(s)) #=40
print(max(s)) #=50
s = "looking for e in this string. Are there other e’s?"
x = "e"
s.index(x) #Index of first occurance x
print(s.index(x)) # = 12
s.count(x) #count the number of x’s
print(s.count(x)) # = 6
s = 8 n = 4
s*n,n*s #equivalent to adding s to itself n times
print(s*n,n*s) #= 32 32
#Comparison Operators
is #identify (if it is) if s is n:
is not # negate (if it’s not) if s is not n:
< #less than if s < n:
<= #less or equal if s <= n:
> #greater than if s > n:
>= #greater or equal if s >= n:
== #equal if s == n:
!= #not equal if s != n:
int(x) #convert to integer
float(x) #convert to floating point
complex(re,im) #complex number re, real part re, im, imaginary part im. im default = 0
c.conjugate() #method return complex conjugate()
abs(x) #absolute value or magnitude
X=22(numerator) y=8(denominator)
divmod(x,y) #Tuple Pair - (x//y, x%y)
print(divmod(x,y)) = 2 6 print(x//y, x%y) = 2 6 quotient q and remainder r
pow(x,y) # x to the y power
x**y #x to the y power
#Basic Operators
x+y # sum of x+y
x-yy # difference of x&y
x* # product of x&y
x/y # quotient of x&y
x//y # floored quotient of x&y
x%y # remainder of x&y
-x # negated
+x # unchanged
string value abcde
indices 01234
tuple element 1 2 3 4 5
negative indices -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
string value ”bobs here”, “oh no!”, “Evacuate”
indices 012345678910
#Copy selected objects to variable
selObj = C.selected_objects[0] #(C = bpy.context) | print(selObj.name)
#Select a object Vert via a variable number
import bpy
C = bpy.context
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
vertNum = 5
selObj = C.active_object
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = 'DESELECT') #only one vert - not added to selection
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
selObj.data.vertices[vertNum].select = True
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
#Maya examples:
Selected object to variable
Obj = cmds.ls(sl=True)[0]
#Selected verts to variable
verts = cmds.ls(sl=True,fl=True)
#Parent one object to another – y’s parent = x
import bpy
objects = bpy.data.objects
x = objects['Cube']
y = objects['Cube.001']
y.parent = x
y.matrix_parent_inverse = x.matrix_world.inverted() # avoid applying parent's transformations #also - bpy.ops.object.parent_set() parent_set()
#Maya examples:
#Get child of selected object
parObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)[0]
chldObj = cmds.listRelatives(parObj, c=True)
#Get parent of selected object
chldObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)[0]
parObj = cmds.listRelatives(chldObj, p=True)
#Select an object(s) by name
import bpy
a = bpy.data.objects['Cube']
b = bpy.data.objects['Cube.001']
a.select = True
b.select = True
#Select an objects parent with one line
bpy.ops.object.select_hierarchy(direction='PARENT', extend=False)
#Select an objects child with one line
bpy.ops.object.select_hierarchy(direction='CHILD', extend=False)
#Select an objects parent – alternative
import bpy
C = bpy.context
selObj = C.active_object
selObj.parent.select = True
#set attribute for selected object
import bpy
C = bpy.context
selObj = C.active_object
#option 1
selObj.location = 1, 2, 3
#option 2 -setattr
setattr(selObj, "location", (1, 2, 3)) # translate
setattr(selObj, "scale", (1, 2, 3)) # scale
setattr(selObj, "rotation_euler", (1, 2, 3)) # rotate
#Loops – Examples
#1 - for loop
loopStart = 2; loopEnd = 8;
for x in range(loopStart, loopEnd):
print((str(x)) +" "+(str(loopStart + x)) +" through to "+(str(loopEnd + x)))
objLots = ["keys", "ball", "wire", "apple", "usb"]
#2 – for loop - use length(num of objects)
for x in range(1, len(objLots)):
print((str(x)) + " " + objLots[x])
#3 – for loop – in objects
for y in objLots:
print("x contains: ", y)
#4 – for loop - enumerate
for i, y in enumerate(objLots):
print("x contains: ", y, " found at ", i + 1)
#5 –while loop
x = 0
while x < len(objLots):
print(objLots[x] + " ", x)
x = x+1
#6 –for loop
for z in ( i*0.25 for y in range(8) ):
#7 –for loop
for z in range (5):
#Maya Loop example:
#rename loop with frefix and suffix
cnts = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for (number, fllc) in enumerate(cnts):
cmds.rename(fllc, (prefix + (str(number+1)) + suffix))
#Copy attributes from one object to another
import bpy
C = bpy.context
selObj = C.active_object
objLoc = (selObj, "location", (1, 2, 3))
setattr(selObj, "location", objLoc[2])
#Maya Examples:
#setAttr of selected object
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + '.sx.'), 14)
#Set Attr using xform
selObj = (cmds.ls(sl=True, fl=True))
cmds.xform(selObj[0], a=True, ro=(0, 0, 0), t=(0, 0, 0), s=(1, 1, 1) )
#Set Attr using loop
attr = [ '.sx','.sy','.sz']
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for i in range(len(attr)):
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + attr[i]),6)
#Copy channel box Attributes from 1(selected obj[0]) to another(selected obj[1])
attrCop = ['.tx','.ty','.tz','.rx','.ry','.rz','.sx','.sy','.sz']
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for v in range(len(attrCop)):
cmds.setAttr((selObj[1] + attrCop[v]),cmds.getAttr(selObj[0]+ attrCop[v]))
#Create a locator at the location of a vert (WIP)
import bpy
C = bpy.context
ob = C.active_object
ob = bpy.context.active_object
vert = [i.co for i in ob.data.vertices if i.select]
for vr in vert:
matxVert = ob.matrix_world * vr
bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='PLAIN_AXES', location=matxVert)
ob.select = True
#Maya Examples:
#place locator on selected vertex(s)
selVrt = cmds.ls(sl=True, fl=True)
for i in range(len(selVrt)):
pos = cmds.pointPosition(selVrt[i])
c = cmds.spaceLocator(n="locNme_01" , p=(0, 0, 0) )
cmds.xform(c, a=True, t=(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) )
#position to vertex - select Vert(Mov to) then Obj/Vert(Move from)
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)
vrtPos = cmds.pointPosition(selObj[0])
cmds.xform(selObj[1], a=True, t=(vrtPos[0], vrtPos[1], vrtPos[2]))
#Find position of selected vertex
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True)
vrtPos = cmds.pointPosition(selObj[0])
print vrtPos
Align objects with diferent pivots
selObjs = cmds.ls(sl=True)
v = [ '.vtx[1]','.vtx[2]','.vtx[3]']
for i in range(len(selObjs)):
for j in range(len(v)):
cmds.select(selObjs[i] + v[j], tgl=True)
#LAMBDA - anonymous functions not bound to a name
# squared
squr = lambda x: x**2
m = squr
def f (x): return x**2
print(f(8)) #64
# times by
multBy = lambda x: x*2
m = multBy
print(m(8)) #16
addition = lambda x,y: x+y
a = addition
sub = lambda x,y: x-y
s = sub
# incrementor with lambda
def incr (n): return lambda x: x + n
f = incr(2)
g = incr(6)
print(f(42), g(42)) #44 48
def increment (a): return lambda x: x + a
print(bob(12)) #20 36
#defin int values - filter(), map() + reduce()
foo = [2, 18, 9, 22, 17, 24, 8, 12, 27]
map_obj = (map(lambda x: x * 2 + 10, foo))
num = list(map_obj) #list Converts the map obj to a list
print(num) #[14, 46, 28, 54, 44, 58, 26, 34, 64]
filter_obj =(list(filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0, foo))) # list Converts the map obj to a list
print(filter_obj) #[18, 9, 24, 12, 27]
from functools import reduce #import reduce directly
print (reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, foo)) #139
#prime numbers with lambda
nums = range(2, 50)
for i in range(2, 8):
nums = list(filter(lambda x: x == i or x % i, nums))
print(nums) #[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47]
#lambda – replace – nj with is
words = ['a', 'huge', 'python[nj]', 'in' + ' the ', 'blender[nj]', 'with', 'lambda']
print(list(map(lambda x: str.replace(x, "[nj]", " is"), words)))
#split words using lambda - find num of letters in each
sentence = 'A python in a blender'
words = sentence.split()
print(words) #'A', 'python', 'in', 'a', 'blender'
print(list(map(lambda word: len(word), words)))#1,6, 2, 1, 7
print(list(map(lambda w: len(w), 'A python in a blender'.split())))
#1 - loop from 0 to 20 -with 1/4 step *
for x in (map(lambda i: i * 0.25, range(0,20))):
#Maya Example:
#Maya Python UI button example
cmds.button(label="bobsUrUncle", c=lambda x:somedef())
#lock transform attributes of selected
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True, dag=True, tr=True)
att = ['.tx','.ty','.tz','.rx','.ry','.rz','.sx','.sy','.sz']
for ctr in range(len(att)):
cmds.setAttr(selObj[0] + att[ctr], lock=True)
#unlock transform attributes of selected
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True, dag=True, tr=True)
att = ['.tx','.ty','.tz','.rx','.ry','.rz','.sx','.sy','.sz']
for ctr in range(len(att)):
cmds.setAttr(selObj[0] + att[ctr], lock=False)
#lock or unlock attributes
import bpy
C = bpy.context
selObj = C.active_object
selObj.lock_scale[0] = True #False
selObj.lock_rotation[0] = True # False
selObj.lock_location[0] = True # False
#Maya Examples:
xform query
s = cmds.ls(sl=True, fl=True)
xQu=(cmds.xform(s[0], query=True, ws=True, t=True,))
print xQu
#set rotation of selected using xform
cmds.xform( r=True, ro=(5, 8, 6))
#set translation of selected using xform
cmds.xform( r=True, t=(5, 8, 6))
#Copy attributes(ex:location), from one object to another
import bpy
C = bpy.context
D = bpy.data
selObj = C.active_object
movObj = bpy.data.objects['nameOfObj2Mov']
OrigSel = selObj.matrix_world.to_translation()
movObj.location[0] = OrigSel [0] #move x location
movObj.location = OrigSel #move x y z location
#Maya Examples:
#change the rotate order but preserve the overall transformation
cmds.xform( p=True, roo='yzx' )
#display normals
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True,dag=True,s=True)
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + '.displayNormal'), 1)
#increase normal size by 10
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True,dag=True,s=True)
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + '.displayNormal'), 1)
nz = cmds.getAttr(selObj[0] +'.normalSize')
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + '.normalSize'), (nz*10))
#decrease normal size by 10
selObj = cmds.ls(sl=True,dag=True,s=True)
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + '.displayNormal'), 1)
nz = cmds.getAttr(selObj[0] +'.normalSize')
cmds.setAttr((selObj[0] + '.normalSize'), (nz/10))
#query viewport renderer (run whist viewport focused)
print cmds.modelEditor( cmds.getPanel(wf=True), q=True, rnm=True )
#turn on display xray and wireframe in viewport in focus (run whist viewport focused)
CurPan = cmds.getPanel(wf=True)
xraystr = 'setXrayOption true ' + CurPan + ' ;'
wirestr = 'setWireframeOnShadedOption true ' + CurPan + ' ;'
CurPan = cmds.getPanel(wf=True)# print p
xraystr = 'setXrayOption false ' + CurPan + ' ;'
wirestr = 'setWireframeOnShadedOption false ' + CurPan + ' ;'
#query without being in panel focus (from script editor)
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.OpenMayaUI as OpenMayaUI
view = OpenMayaUNI.M3dView.active3dView()
cam = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
camPath = cam.fullPathName()
print camPath
#Get panel with focus
#change time to frame to *55
cmds.currentTime(55, edit=True)
#Change time slider min max frame
frange = (14,600)
cmds.playbackOptions( minTime=frange[0], maxTime=frange[-1] )
#Change time slider start/end frame
frange = (44,800)
(cmds.playbackOptions( ast=frange[0], aet=frange[-1] ))
#get list of keyframes on current selected object (exaple rotateX) attribute
fmNumLst=(cmds.keyframe( query=True, at='rx',timeChange=True ))
print fmNumLst
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